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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Direction

Since the publishing of my book in 2006, I have attempted to plow the field of op-ed articles. These opinion / editorial pieces can regularly be found on the editorial pages of most newspapers. My only success was a piece that appeared randomly in my local paper (published twice weekly). And that opportunity has been lost due to philosophical differences with the editor. Additionally, other avenues for similar contributions are fading as the newspaper industry, as a whole, seems to be slowly fading into the sunset.
Does that signal an end to thoughtful columns shining lights from various angles onto the issues that confront and confound us? I certainly hope not and, as such, turn to this venue for distributing my thoughts and encouraging reader comment and participation. Should you consider this a "blog"? No. It will not be updated daily nor will it contain random musings of little or no consequence. Let's call it an "online column" that will be published weekly (beginning February 1st), will total approximately 650 words, and will provide fodder for future discussion. Some will be humorous or will integrate a tongue-in-cheek approach to daunting challenges we all face. Some will include language not heard in church, but I will promise to avoid the gratuitous use of profanity and include it only to make a point while avoiding many of the more common expletives.
I invite you to share your thoughts with me via comments posted on this site or through the site dedicated to my book ( Debate, discourse, and discussion are the thoroughfares to progress. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


celeste said...

Here, here. It's time for these high school students to show a little character and self esteem. In just a year or two they will be out in the working world or in college taking their lumps with the rest of us. Time to grow up and stop whining and complaining.
Celeste Ames said...

Hey Bruce,
Glad to see you at it! Please forward me a list of the common epithets you vow to eschew so I can keep track.
All best,
Joe Sharkey

Unknown said...

Bruce, nice comments. I have a completely new perspective on children since I became a father just under 5 years ago. It pains me to think of the sacrifices that need to be made to raise a single child successfully, let alone two (I have two) or more. It's not just the money, it's a lot more. How much attention can you really give to any one child, when there are so many that need it? In this case at least one is already diagnosed with Autism. I think what pains me the most is thinking about how unfair this situation will become for the most inocent of the victims: the children. But I guess you summed it up by stating that now they will become part of everyone's burden. Warm Regards, Hans Fielsch