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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mixed Nuts

How about a few independent topics with one common element: nuts!
While Syria is mired in, for all intents and purposes, a civil war, Russia and China continue to oppose any UN resolution for a cease fire. Are they nuts? Of course not. You see, they know that should their citizens decide to oppose the established government they’d be ready to open fire upon them, too. At least they’re honest, but if you think they’ll ever get behind such an idea you’re nuts.
Folks continue to moan about the high cost of air travel. Adjusted for inflation, it is about the only item that hasn’t kept pace. Bad management decisions resulted in over capacity which resulted in fare wars. And low fares were subsidized by employees through concessions or bankruptcy courts. That wasn’t enough, though, so now your ticket price includes a seat, period. Other “amenities” are offered, but as additional charges (nuts are still free). We know this as “a la carte pricing” and the airlines are raking in big bucks as a result. So much so that hotels are considering individual utility meters in each room. In that way, we’ll pay for our water and electricity on usage rather than having such “luxuries” bundled into the room rate. Nuts? Maybe, but don’t be surprised if it comes to pass.
You’re nuts if you think that the realism in today’s movies and video games does not allow the nuts within our society to dream up nightmare scenarios similar to the one recently played out in Aurora, Colorado. The connection may not be a direct link, but one does feed the other to be sure. And anyone who thinks that banning assault weapons somehow infringes on our Second Amendment rights is equally nuts. We don’t need them for hunting or household protection and we sure as hell don’t need them in the hands of other nuts looking to make a name for themselves.
And, on a related note, you’re nuts if you think that either political party will consider the limiting of assault weapons. They’re not nuts, necessarily, but they both know that some in the NRA are. And those nuts vote! So don’t count on any changes from our supposed leaders anytime soon.
If your city is financially strapped and reducing the numbers of cops, firemen, and other municipal service providers to save money you’re nuts if you think that will help. Who would want to move into an area with little or no police or fire protection? Conversely, everyone that can get out of town is doing so. And the city leaders that support such moves? You can bet your ass they don’t live in town or, if they do, are looking to move in the near future. Such plans to meet expenses result in nothing but the continued decay of the community and an ever deepening financial hole.
Oh, and if you think that airline pilots never take a 10 minute power nap during cruise, you’re really nuts!

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