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Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas Thought

Christmas: the one day each year where we pause to reflect on our past and gather up our hope for the future. And to cement the deal, in a week we’ll formalize our hopes into resolutions that generally fall by the wayside before Punxsutawney Phil takes his bow in February.
Why is that, do you think? Could it be that we envision large scale scenarios such as world peace or clean energy? What if we narrowed our hopes down to a few that we could each handle individually? How about kindness to strangers? A cliché, I know, but can you remember the last time you held the door for the next customer or asked the bus boy how he was doing?
Messengers seem to be fair game, too as we metaphorically squeeze their shoes for enforcing policies created by the higher-ups. Clerks and others on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder are tasked with giving us minimal service. Why take it out on them? Maybe we need to take the extra time in getting a manager, asking for an explanation, and seeing how the true instigator enjoys tight shoes.
No, there are many things we can do every day that might lead to a more civilized society. Over-simplified? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. Try it out and let me know what you think.

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