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Sunday, December 27, 2009


It has been nearly a year since I began writing this column and, what with the impending New Year and the near mandatory reflections that accompany it, I thought it appropriate to do the same.

This will be my 49th post. No, not quite a full year as I began in mid-January. Nevertheless, when I began this enterprise I was afraid of running out of topics every week. Keep in mind that I had no desire to be a reporter and re-hash stories already covered unless I could provide a different angle and pose interesting, humorous, and/or insightful commentary. Boy, was I underestimating the world around me. There is scant evidence that our daily dose of corruption, scandal, incompetence,unintended consequence, and just plain screwy events within the human experience will be declining anytime soon. (I’m already working on two pieces for the new year.)

I’m also encouraged by the number of folks who have dropped by for a look-see. I didn’t install the hit counter at the outset (probably due to some secret fear that it would rest on zero for a lengthy time) so real numbers aren’t available and that’s fine with me. It does, however, provide encouragement in my endeavor to challenge and simultaneously entertain. Without a marketing department or publicist, though, I rely on you to spread the word. I urge you to pass along those pieces that you find interesting and include a link to my page. Like it or not, we are the grass roots that inspire change of any positive kind and the more of us involved, the better for us all.

I look forward to my continued effort within these pages. I have little doubt that weekly fodder will be eternally available and continue to believe in the power of convictions and expectations. Trust me: it is definitely NOT just you!

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